Myths, Wise Tails, and Biology (S1E2)

There are many myths surrounding the biology or Cats and Dogs. Cats and Dogs are classified by biology and zoology as carnivores but yet is commonly believed that cats and dogs are more like human omnivores and can or should eat a lot of carbohydrates. The scientific taxonomy of animal identification classifies both cats and dogs as carnivores. That means that meat is the primary food source for cat and dogs.

Dogs & Cats Carnivore Teeth vs. Human Omnivore Teeth

About Your Host (S1E1)


Episode one is a brief/concise summary and background of our host and pet parent Sean B. Jones and his approach to exploring cat and dog nutrition. Sean begins to discuss how pet parents have a significant role in the wellness and medical care of their cats and dogs.

Inspiration For Pet Parents To Be Involved In Determining The Medical & Wellness Care of Their Animals….